The History of Photography
The objective for this task was to find information about photography and the history behind the different elevations of photography, it is very interesting to find out pieces of information which have impacted in the photographic world. In order to do well with a photography project, finding out about the history behind different elements will give me the knowledge to do better within my work, detailed facts will inspire me to write about different information regarding the art of photography. It is also important to include my personal statements and responses to photography as this shows a personal response about myself and my attitude towards photography.
The History...
The first photograph was taken in 1826-1827. It is known as the 'surviving photograph', this photograph was taken by Joseph Nicéphore, this picture shows the view from an upstairs window at Niepce's estate, which was called Le Gras in the region of France. This had started off the industry of photography.
This is a image of the first photograph.
In 1877 the first photographic photo in colour was printed on paper by Louis Ducos du H. This was a very big event in the world of photography as this made everyone see the real captured picture within the image as it was shown in colour. Since 1877 onwards pictures were shown and presented in colour, this was good for artists photography and the world of art.

The first polaroid camera was introduced February 21st 1947. Polaroids were camera which instantly printed the picture in which you had captured, these camera were very good as people could access their images quickly instead of going into a photography developing shop. Polaroids later on were made in different shapes and styles, this made the camera more modern. Today Polaroids are coming back into fashion and are being used more and more

Steven Sasson as an engineer at Eastman Kodak invented and built the first electronical camera using a charged- couple device image sensor in 1975. This was a very big invention in the photography industry as photographers were able to carry and camera around will them everywhere, they could then review their images after they had taken them, unlike the old fashion undeveloped camera in the previous years. Today there are many different makes of electronic cameras and different sizes and shapes, they are very popular in this day and age.
My Relationship with Photography
I personally have a big interest with photography, I am taking photography A-Level and am enjoying it I love the fact that I can present my work and show off my photographs in which I have taken, I use many different ways to capture and different ways to present my images. Photography is very special as I can record my own personal experiences and record them on one camera or even on my phone. My phone is very easy to access and therefore makes it easier to quickly record moments in which I see.
My pictures mean a lot to me as I can record memories of my family and I, and review them in later years. I can share my images to other people on social media and then receive comments about them. Photography online is very powerful as you can see what other people are doing and can review everything you have taken yourself.
Many people these days take many "Selfies", I personally taken many selfies. A "Selfie" is a picture taken from your front face camera on a phone, it is a picture of yourself and the moment happening around you, this is a fun way to record moments, this can be used as evidence of you being present in area where you recorded a moment. A "Selfie" can record moment of yourself with a group of people in order to share with others, Thai type of photography is a bit of fun and people will use this for their emjoyment.
How will this help you in the vulture of this course?
After researching in more depth about the history of photography, I have gained a greater understanding about how photography has changed from years ago and compared to now. In order to make good reference to previous times, it is good that I know about how images were produced. By researching into this really does give me the extra knowledge into doing well within this course
In 1877 the first photographic photo in colour was printed on paper by Louis Ducos du H. This was a very big event in the world of photography as this made everyone see the real captured picture within the image as it was shown in colour. Since 1877 onwards pictures were shown and presented in colour, this was good for artists photography and the world of art.

The first polaroid camera was introduced February 21st 1947. Polaroids were camera which instantly printed the picture in which you had captured, these camera were very good as people could access their images quickly instead of going into a photography developing shop. Polaroids later on were made in different shapes and styles, this made the camera more modern. Today Polaroids are coming back into fashion and are being used more and more
Steven Sasson as an engineer at Eastman Kodak invented and built the first electronical camera using a charged- couple device image sensor in 1975. This was a very big invention in the photography industry as photographers were able to carry and camera around will them everywhere, they could then review their images after they had taken them, unlike the old fashion undeveloped camera in the previous years. Today there are many different makes of electronic cameras and different sizes and shapes, they are very popular in this day and age.
My Relationship with Photography
I personally have a big interest with photography, I am taking photography A-Level and am enjoying it I love the fact that I can present my work and show off my photographs in which I have taken, I use many different ways to capture and different ways to present my images. Photography is very special as I can record my own personal experiences and record them on one camera or even on my phone. My phone is very easy to access and therefore makes it easier to quickly record moments in which I see.
My pictures mean a lot to me as I can record memories of my family and I, and review them in later years. I can share my images to other people on social media and then receive comments about them. Photography online is very powerful as you can see what other people are doing and can review everything you have taken yourself.
Many people these days take many "Selfies", I personally taken many selfies. A "Selfie" is a picture taken from your front face camera on a phone, it is a picture of yourself and the moment happening around you, this is a fun way to record moments, this can be used as evidence of you being present in area where you recorded a moment. A "Selfie" can record moment of yourself with a group of people in order to share with others, Thai type of photography is a bit of fun and people will use this for their emjoyment.
How will this help you in the vulture of this course?
After researching in more depth about the history of photography, I have gained a greater understanding about how photography has changed from years ago and compared to now. In order to make good reference to previous times, it is good that I know about how images were produced. By researching into this really does give me the extra knowledge into doing well within this course
Morgan, this is a very good, detailed post. It would be great that for every post following on from this if you could comment on what the task was, what you learnt and how it will help you going forward in the course.