Within this photography we were asked to take 20 images f the same thing by using the rules within photography, such as the rule of thirds and leading lines, this would in able us to take our pictures in a good professional way. This task also was made in order to research about both of the photographic rules.
This is my contact sheet for my 20 images I took.

Although all my images are of the same thing, I can spot the different focuses and lighting changes within these pictures. It is good to take a record all of your images in order to find out the best photos, this gives you the chose to choose from many images.
Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds helps photographer to capture the best image possible, the photo is taken by applied aligning guide lines, this helps to gain the right focus for the person looking at the image. The rule of thirds helps to break down image by using lines the lines are both horizontal and vertical. When the image is broken down by the lines there are 9 squares within one picture.
Leading Lines
This is the most useful elements within photography, this method can help to create the most interesting and imaginative images. The leading lines method helps to draw the person into the pictures and helps to capture attention. The leading likes method is used in rider to capture images which are leading away from the picture for example this is used when taking pictures of long roads, doorways and rivers.
How will this help me in the future of this task?
As this course is about photography it is very important to take images and to understand the key words and skill within the art of photography. This will help me within my course as i now know about the key skills and rules and therefore I can use these skills in my work in the future in order to do well, now that I have experience with taking pictures I can make my images better in the future.
Good post but can we have a detailed introduction and explanation please? What was the task? What did you learn?