Magazine Conventions (Double Page Spread)
Body Copy
This is the main piece of text on the page. it is the story or article that the reader wants to reading order to find out information about someone.
By Line
This indicates who is writing the article. Also another way of showing the staff box.
This backs up the images on the page, also for large images and what an audience is looking at. This is explains the real focus.
Drop Cap
Large capital letter on the first letter of the first word on the page, this indicates the beginning of the text (article).
Space which is in between columns of writing.
Headline / Header
Text at the top of the page which is used as a title, this will draw people in, e.g. this can be a quote, from a page. This is sown with bold and bright colours.
These are page numbers.
Pull Quote
Short phrase or sentence taken from the text, this will be enlarged. Get the reader interested, e.g. in a banner.
Stand Quote
Basic, broad introduction to the story or article. Outlining the sort of thing you will read in the oncoming article.
Main Image
This will take the most of the page, this is important as this will draw in attention.
Other images, these are supporting images.
End Blob
Symbol which is used to show the end of the article.
(This is an example of a page layout)