Task 1 - Secondary Research - Independent
A. Quantitative Research:
This evidence is from Youtube, which shows one of Rihanna's most successful and most popular music videos which she has produced. The result of 776,168,581 are currently the number of views which she has achieved so far, however this is increasing by the day. Youtube is one of the most used sites to view music videos. The amount of likes and dislikes for this video is also shown in order to present how goo the video was, due to different opinions, the public have a change to show their thoughts through a simple data collection, which is represented with the like and dislike data. For this video, it is most liked by the public due to more people liking the video than not. This is a viewing figure, which is presented on this screenshot.
By Ian Paul Byamugisha
This data is shows the ranking and marking of the music video "Work" by Rihanna, as presented it is clear to recall the data which was recorded from the marking of this video, as visually seen, the marks were very high with a score of 4.7 stars out of five. The audience who have viewed this have liked what they have seen on this music video. From this data we can use this as research in order to classify what makes the perfect and successful music video, this data is to reflect on and learn from with the future music video projects which could be undertaken in the future.
Source: Independent News Paper
By Daisy Wyatt
This research evidence shows that Rihanna's song "Love The Way You Life" is the 6th most played and popular music video in the world, again this is very good research and information found as within the production of a further music video creation this video could suggest good skills and themes which could be used for further projects. The view figure and count for this particular video is equating to, 847,790,000, this is a very large figure which indicated that it was a successfully created music video which consists of all the right factors in order to make Rihanna's video a hit and recalling the title of the 6th most watch music video.
B. Qualitative Research:
Music Videos
These are verbal written reviews and comments which are put onto YouTube by viewers for the music video "Work". The comments reflect and consist of reviews, thoughts and attitudes of the public who view and watch this specific video. In many cases the comments will vary from good and bad depending on the publics personal views, this is very useful to use as information and research. Comments are very good to review when creating or making a music video in the future as you are able to analyse the music video and to see what to add for a success and what not do add to prevent a failure within this creation.

This is a written qualitative response, due to the written comments and views of the artist Rihanna and her "Work" song and music video, this information found shows us the personal views and responses from and individual, about their personal responses and information about Rihanna herself as an artist. Within this form of review, the individual states that they were a big fan of the artist
Rihanna themselves and they show within their words that they are a good artist and their style has proven to be an overall success factor. However the disadvantage to the "Work" review is that this states that Rihanna's video includes confusing language and words to understand and to interpret meaning the individual and others would have found this hard to understand, this shows that the video was not a success with the sounds, as they most likely have compared this information with different artist songs. The overall thought and the grade is a C-, which indicates that this was a medium view and that this was an okay song according to this review.
CD Digipak
This is a detailed written response and review about the limited addition back of albums by Rihanna, in all of the CD's includes the artists art work and digipaks, here is a detailed response to someone who has purchased this, the review is very detailed and includes the information about all three albums which were included in this box set. As this information is very detailed, it is to an advantage in the case of being used for research when producing a new album which is included with artwork and a digipak, as this is very detailed you are able to analyse this to find the required information which is going to be useful in the new creation of an album.
Album Magazine Advert
This advert has been described by someone who points out the good parts about the advert, this is a good form of research as this enables the researcher to see about what makes a good looking and progressing magazine album advert, this is a perfect example of an advert as this is something that would feature and be seen in a magazine promoting the Rihanna's "Loud" album.
Magazine Album Advert
Task 2 - Primary Research - Independent / Group
A. Quantitative Research (Group)
This is the link to my questionnaire...
This is a questionnaire which was completed within my group, there are 3 sections within this questionnaire, for music videos, CD digipaks and also magazine album adverts. The answers are all multiple choice which will be calculated and added up at the end in order to gather a quantitative answer as the approach.
B. Qualitative Research (Group/ Independent).
In task 2B we are going to be carrying out three forms of qualitative research between us, one format each, with a shared research type by working together.
The Interview (Independent):
This interview was aimed at those who chose Rihanna as their most viewed artist, this is going to be about the CD digipaks, which are put into the artists CD albums. The interview questions are good when gathering the research to create and find ideas for a CD digipak.
The Interview Questions:
1. In your CD digipak do you want artist, artwork included?
2. What features would you most like to be presented into a Rihanna digipak? lyrics/ insert
3. Are posters something that you wish to be included in your own digipak?
4. Are lyrics something that you feel should be included in your digipak?
5. What draws you mostly into the digipak? The text or the images?
6. Is the credit information included, something you like to see in a digipak?
7. Does the artist influence the look and style of the digipak?
8. Do you think digipaks are still relevent in this day and age?
This is the full interview video:
Focus Group (My Partner) Music Video Response and Research:
We took the participants from the questionnaires and took the participants who chose Rihanna as their most viewed artist, we showed them a 30 seconds video of Rihanna's music video for her song, Diamonds, we asked the focus group of females ages 16-18 about the video in order to engage in their responses and attitudes from the focus group.
Audience Panel (Group):
Within this we got four individuals, two boys and two girls, we showed them a magazine album advert as let them discuss amongst themselves about the advert which they were viewing, we recorded this as a video in order to covey the responses from everyone about the advert itself. The music advert was discussed amongst themselves yet also the question from us wanting them to answer.
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This was the advertisement shown in the audience panel. |
A - Group
Audience Classification
As Rihanna is a female orientated artist the main target audience would be to look at females over males, and the younger audience. When looking at a demographic table and analysing this we have come to the overall conclusion that our target audience fits into group A, as the audience is students, unemployed and ages from 13 - 25, this is aimed for those who have not yet gathered their own income or employment, however some of the chosen category may have gone into employment. As this is a narrow audience the demographic table was good to decide and find the right category to aim the audience to. Another form of research and audience classification table would be to look and analyze a psychographics table, in the category of 'Aspires', as this is mainly targeted to the young ages who look up to others around them in the society. However this also apply's to the category of the 'Explorers', as they seek individualism, which is something which Rihanna produces and conveys within her music video, album artwork (digipaks). Audience classification is very important when trying to find and aim a product or theme to a particular target audience, without this the music from the artist Rihanna would not sell or be a hit for anyone in particular. The demographic is a very important factor to consider in this as, this is a set of division of the population and the divise of the people in it, as the demographics are used to divide the society up in six group, this is to an advantage as you have the ability to interpret the specific audience which the Rihanna video, artwork and magazine would be aimed at and appropriate for. The decision of the audience target group can also be determined due to the behaviour, attitude and personality of different people, this is combined into a general figure of society separation.
A psychographics table, is a table which split people up within different categories to make sure that individuals fit into one of seven categories. This helps within the media productions as this table means that target audiences can be made up, concluded and decided due to the criteria of each person in a section. For the making of the three products for Rihanna, finding the right group and the right audience is essential, this is how the table helps with this part, by defining the right person for the types of products. This form of tables has seven categories, which are the explanations of individuals,views and their own securities of their own views, ways of thinking and also their way of living.
A Demographic table, is a table, which defines everyone with a names category, as very similar to the psychographics table, this is the same as this is also the variety and the split of the individuals being put into their different categories which suite their own way of like and individuality. This table is a division of six categories which are made up of the different groups which consists of the employment, interests, views, attitudes and peoples personal opinions, these factors within this table are also known as IAO variables. This helps when trying to find the right target market for the product which is being made and sold as the division of the individuals could be narrowed down in order to find the best fit.
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This is the Psychographics Table |
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This is the Demographic Table |
B- Buyer Profile:
This is a profile of someone who fits into the criteria of the type of person to view a Rihanna music video and accompanying promotional materials....
"I am Sarah and I am a 17 year old student in sixth form studying Business and Media. I am currently single but my previous boyfriend was really into Rihanna's music as well as me. We used to go to her concerts all the time and I have a load of her CD digipak's and magazine album adverts stuck on my wall. In my spare time about once or twice a week, I will buy a Teen Vogue magazine and I will frequently find album artwork for Rihanna along with information about her upcoming concerts, tours and CD release dates. I am girly yet, I also like Rihanna's dark mysterious side to her music. When I get home from school, I like to watch Rihanna's YouTube music videos and my favourite song of hers is "Stay"."
Task 4 - Market Research (Group and Independent).
A - Competitor Analysis (Group)
For the competition analysis, this is going to be Beyonce. Rihanna is a well known successful, high classified artist who has its female following between ages, 13 - 25, this is the same for the attraction for Beyonce, she is also a high regarded artist, in the music industry. For their music video, CD's and artist artwork, both artist need to compete of how successful both of their products are, in order to gain more followers and fan. Beyonce unlike other competitors, has the same theme with her music, she performs her serious songs in the same way as Rihanna as they include a serious interpretation in their songs when they are singing. This is conveyed through the words and their theme.
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Beyonce |
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande, is a female artist who produces her own songs, music videos and albums, her target audience is females ages 12-20. Unlike Rihanna, Ariana Grander has the more girly themed approach. Her albums and songs appear to be happy themed with colour conveying her personality of an artist and who she is as an artist. Even though they are both successful and hard working artist, they both have a differentiating target market audience for their music and products. Rihanna offers music for the older females compared to Ariana, as she is more of a younger singer who attract the younger generation with her image and music.
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Ariana Grander |
B - Textual Analysis (Independent)
Music Video Competition:
For my textual analysis I have chosen to put my main focus on the female, artist as I feel she is in main competition to Rihanna as they share the same theme yet also the same target audience, meaning their attractions to the public are similar to one another. As evidence of them being similar, they have stared in a song and music video before, which was called "Cry", this shows that they share the same type of music style and have their similarities with the music video industry. I am going to be comparing a music video from Rihanna her song "Diamonds" to "Beyonce's song "Halo".
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Beyonce's music video for Halo. |
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Rihanna's music video for Diamonds. |
Both of the artists are the main focus in the videos, to convey their importance to the song, this is so the audience knows whose singing and performing in the song. Both of the video's use very natural colouring in both of the shots from these particular music video's, this is quite appealing to the eye as this shows that the videos are relaxed, natural and serious, within the meaning of the song. The video shots suggest that the songs are about a sad topic due to the emotions on both of the artists.
CD Digipak Competition:
For this comparison I have also used the artist Beyonce as she is the most relevent competition which Rihanna has for her work and her music, the CD of both artist concept of the album which includes the CD and the artist's artwork (a digipak), this is something which explains and add more information about the artists and the songs.
Beyonce's Digipak...
This is the back cover from the CD digipak for the artist, Beyonce's CD album. The colouring is very striking with the black and white theme, which creates the awareness of the importance and seriousness of the artist and her music. The back cover include the list of song names and also the essential bar code for the purchase of the complete album. Both of these features are something which is also presented onto the Rihanna CD, as this is important information which needs to be includes, especially for a high rates female artist.
This is the inner images which are included within the CD digipak, these images stretch to create a more engaging and interactive approach for the public and the fans to see and have. Within this page there is one piece of written information, which shows a song title with producer and artist information, this is a short, sharp piece of information in order for the fans to understand quickly.
I have chosen another back cover of a digipak, as this shows a different image and these from Beyonce's previous digipak shown. On this page is shows the songs and the track numbers to enable the fans and public to find and locate the songs. There is also a barcode represented in order for purchase. There is more colour in this image compared to the seriousness of the black and white, showing that this album has more character and activity.Beyonce's Digipak...

This is the inner images which are included within the CD digipak, these images stretch to create a more engaging and interactive approach for the public and the fans to see and have. Within this page there is one piece of written information, which shows a song title with producer and artist information, this is a short, sharp piece of information in order for the fans to understand quickly.
Rihanna's Digipak...
By looking at this digipak, is it visible to see that Rihanna represent s more of a colourful approach in the presentation of the album. The focus of the colour red is progress through every page of the digipak, this colour represents the theme of love. On every page there consistante images, yet song and artist information, my personal approach and opinion of this digipak, is that I prefer this to Rihanna due to the colours and the images, it is more engaging.
By comparing this back cover to Rihanna's is very clear to tell the difference due to the colours used and the presentation of the writing around the main back image. The barcode is located at the top, which differs from Beyonce's, I prefer the barcode at the top of the page as this is clear to see this is for purchase and more of the writing is able to be include on the cover this way.
I like the way that the digipak includes more information in the album, but also the CD as this makes the CD interesting too. Usually CD's do not include anything engaging yet this one represents more information, which is useful when learning and collecting the information about Rihanna and the music its self. On this CD in particular, there is a song this with CD numbers so you have the ability to find the song on the disk easily.
Magazine Album Advert Competition:
Both of these artist are in competition with each other, due to how successful they both are, meaning that their adverts in magazines need to be appealing to the public in order to covey the importance, of the music video. Both of the artists album adverts are presented on one page in a magazine, the magazines are usually popular from the readings of females such as, "OK" magazine as this targets the specific target market, more specifically, "Top of the Pops and Teen Vogue", as this meets the target market for the teenagers ages 15-18 which Rihanna and Beyonce will attract in the magazine. Both of the adverts are very eye catching and appealing to the eye, in order to gain the attraction in a magazine, to focus of the main album advertisement.
When analysing the competition advert which appear in the magazines, it is clear to see that they contain the similar colour theme, of black and white photo's, this conveys the important and seriousness of both of the artist and how they work, which can reflect on their music and personalities. However the Rihanna advert appears to me more eye catching, due to the words being visual in the colour red, which shows the important words found on the album, meaning that it includes the relevent information of the album's name and the songs featured in the particular album. The fonts, which are used to write both of their names are in different distinctive font, which shows their copy and significants of their important names. Both of these adverts do a really good job on conveying the awareness of the importance of the adverts and the albums key attention.
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Beyonce Album Advert |
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Rihanna Album Advert |
A - List of resources for each part.
The Completion of the Music Video:
Each of the resources is
being calculated in the duration of one whole week in order to complete the
production of the music video.
This is the people, who
are involved within the main production of the music video; these are the
individuals, which are helping within the production of the filming and
A Camera for 7 days
= 1 day £250
= 7 days £1,750
Camera Operator for 7
= 1 days £200
= 7 days £1400.
Graphic Visualisation
& Designer
= £200-£600 for 1 day.
This is very viable, this
will work out to become a good plan, due to the camera making the shoot to
increase the workings of the music video. However if the camera team do not
make the shoot there will be a standby team on site in case.
This is the talent, which
needs to be put into the music video, such as the casting stages of the
Casting Session
= £100-£500
Casting from the project
= £100-£500
= £500- £1,000
This is very viable as the
crew and the talent are on mass as their needs to be many dancers and the
training in order to produce a good construction of the movements on the set.
However if there are any issue with the cast and the talents there will be
understudies for those who do not have the ability to contribute.
To budget the music video
and make sure you have a limit of what to spend. Money could be coming from the recording
company however, some people pay for it themselves.
The production
company/record label will, invest and put £800,000 - £100,00,00, as funding for
the main music video for Rihanna. This will include all the resources needed
like cameras, lighting, set, outfits etc.
This is very viable
because the record company/production company have a huge interest in Rihanna
therefore they will be enthaustic in producing her video.
They are supplying the
personnel with equipment for the making for the music video.
Wardrobe (costume) = £500 for one week.
Film Equipment
1 day = £500 - £1500
3 days = 1500 – 4,500
Arri Lighting
= 1 day £500
= 7 days £3,500 |
This is viable as the
suppliers are on the set and are reliable due to their jobs on set.
This is the facility that
are on set to help with the music video production.
X 1 £4,995.00
= X4 £19,980.00
1 day = £100 -£300
3 days = £300 - £900
Land Used (Studio)
= 1 day £350
= 1 week £2,450
This is viable, as every
facility has been duplicated with contacts in case this does not go to plan,
however all of the facilities are pre booked and confirmed on a regular
This is the resources and
the planning of the total location of the shoot and where the music video
will be shot, this is going to be in an open area to increase the effective
moments in the music video.
Location Planner (from a
project manager)
= £100- £500.
The location is available
for use due to the planning however there will definitely be a back up
location in the event of any disruption.
The Completion of a CD Digipak:
This is over the course of 3 days of production.
These are the people
helping with the making of the CD digipak and the artwork for Rihanna’s CD.
Camera man / Photographer
1 day = £5,000
3 days = £15,000
Printer Man
= £50,000 for the final
print of all images and pages
= £1,000
IT Designer / Graphic
Design Support
= £5,000
= £2,000
Product Designer (who will
create the model of the advert plastic cover.
= £10,000.
This is viable as the
photographers will be one site the whole day, meaning that they will be there
in the shoot, if not there is a back up team for this production to occur.
This is the talent, which
is put into the digipak, who is Rihanna herself as she is the only feature.
This could be an artist due to drawings, which could feature.
Rihanna (fee).
= £50,000.
= £6,000
This is viable due to
Rihanna featuring in her own CD digipak and album.
This is the finance, which
is used in order to make and pay for the production of the digipak.
The record label will be
financing the production of the digipak, following with their own producers.
= £900,000
This is very viable as the
record label have a guanteed success will Rihanna and the funding of the CD,
therefore they would not dismiss this opportunity.
This is the supplies
needed for the production of the digipak.
CD Covers on Mass
Paper for Poster/ Pages
= £1,000
This is viable as the
suppliers are on the set and are reliable due to their jobs on set, the
products for this will be ordered in advance and confirmed.
This is the facility that
is on set to help with focusing and the production of the digipak itself.
= £15,000
= £5,000
= £3,000
Electrical generator
= 15,000 (3 days)
Computer Software
= £10,000
All of the facilities are
essential for the production of the CD digipak production, meaning that they
need to be present in making.
This is the cost of the
location for the production of the CD digipak.
Location Planner (from a
project manager) In a photo-shoot studio/ and music video set and backdrop.
= £100- £500.
The location does not move
meaning this is viable, however if the council or studio owners dismiss the
location usage, the production will have to be on hold therefore the location
has to include a back up.
The Completion of a Magazine Album Advert:
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This is the people involved within the making of the magazine album advert, they are the individual people who work together in a team who have specific jobs each to create the magazine album advert.
A high end printer= £1,133.28
A printer operator= £9.57 an hour so for 1 days work= £66.99 and 3 days= £200.97. Graphic design team= £200-£600 for 1 day so for 3 days= £600-18000. |
This is very viable because you will work out a plan before hand so that everything is scheduled in order for the magazine album advert to be successful. However, if threes a problem with the printer or any of the people, there will be a back up team on site to fill in for them.
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This is the talent in the magazine album advert, this includes the different stages taken to produce a magazine advert, which are a lot!
Make-up artist= £150 for 1 day so for 3 days= £450.
This is very viable and will work because Rihanna is extremely successful which means she has an incredible singing voice which is her talent, this is why people will buy her album and she is well-know therefore their doesn't need to be an explanation of what her talent is on the album advert because she is very known. Yet, if there are any problems with the crew or Rihanna, then their will be solutions to the problems
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This is to give the album advert a budget so that they have a limited amount of money to spend on it. They could get money from Rihanna's recording company or from Rihanna herself as some artists prefer to do this.
One full page in full colour in a magazine= £1,155, however if the recording company are going to pay for this, they would only contribute= £1,000-£2,000 and this will include all the resources needed to make the magazine album advert plus the magazine advertising.
This is really viable because many artists have payed for it themselves because they can afford to. Yet, this means she has to produce it all herself where as if the recording company put a huge interest into it then Rihanna will be grateful.
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This is the people who supply the resources and materials for the making of a magazine album advert such as; printing paper, Rihanna's wardrobe.
Rihanna's wardrobe= This doesn't have an exact price because it is unknown.
However a normal usage of a wardrobe would include the price of £500 for one week. |
This is really viable because the suppliers are responsible for all this equipment which means Rihanna can focus on making it perfect and doesn't need to worry about picking any of her wardrobe out etc.
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This is the help and facility who are on set in order to help out if anything or anyone needs helping in the production of the magazine album advert. They provide things like trailers for cast members, studios used to film, food and drink for the staff and the artist, Rihanna.
Food and drink for 1 day= £100-£300 so for 3 days= £300-900, Studio space used= £350 for 1 day so for 3 days= £1,050
This is very viable because their is replacements for every facility on site therefore incase something breaks or isn't working, their is another one to use. Although all the facilities are tested regularly and booked before hand which means no problems should occur.
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This is location for the filming for the magazine album advert and the place it is all put together including all the resources and the planning. This is going to take place in an empty studio because this suitable for Rihanna's style.
Location planner= £100- £500 for 1 day so for 3 days= £300-£1,500
This is viable because the studio is booked beforehand and paid for so you have put a deposit on it therefore if any problems happen you won't get the deposit back however, this deposit ensures the studio is ur's to use and no-one else can use whilst you are. There would've been a lot of planning that went into planning the location because its extremely important and an essential part of the production of a magazine album advert. Although, there is a back up studio location if the location isn't available for any reason.
Task 6 - Interpret Your Results
The Summarisation and Evaluation of the Research Used (Individual.
Secondary Research:
When creating a CD digipak, music video and album magazine advert the research, which is undertaken by a team is essential in order to make a satisfying and worthy set of products, after the interesting and knowledgable findings found within my resource, prove that the research was a very essential and important factor to consider when creating products. Through the research of quantitative sources the results and answers concluded the questions of how how many views and attention Rihanna gathered from only one of her many successful music video's, her music video "Work" had 776,168,581 views, which is a considerable amount. This information form the research showed that the theme, type and song in the music video was a success and was liked upon the public around the world. Looking at the reviews on staring of the Rihanna music video "Work" helped to back up the views and feedback of that specific secondary research, this showed what aspects of the video were a hit, including the full house staring of 5/5 for the music in the video, this shows that future music videos made by Rihanna should go on the line of this type of theme and style of tune and music. This research will help as in the future of the making of a new music video, this information will be used in order to focus on the factors which did not reach a full ranking staring such as the, lyrics, as this lost one star with a ranking of 4/5 stars, in the future this research is effective as the lyrics will be used for improvements. The last secondary research found was the most viewed music videos around the world, Rihanna's music video featured at being the 6 th most viewed video, when finding this through research this can be very good for the future, as this music video will be good for the reflecting of the success of the video. The total views were 847,790,000, which could be used in the future for an aim for another making of one of Rihanna's videos, this could be a goal and a stensil of the music video.
When carrying out secondary research by using qualitative sources, there was a gathering of other types of important and useful information which can be used to make a new Rihanna music video, without this form of research the answers and information would not have been gathered. Unlike quantitative research this form of qualitative research is more in depth due tot the answers being explained in further detail with the use of words and the inner description of the main thoughts of each of the products, CD digipaks, album magazine advert and also the music videos. The first form of qualitative was from Youtube which illustrated the public and viewers comments from the music video "Work", the comments were very positive with only a few of the negative response, such as "I need a translate", this shows that the video may not have used clear language and defined words, meaning this was hard to interpret and understand, this research was a good source to find as this indicated that in the making of a new music video the words and speech should be pronounce and spoken in more of a clear way in order for the audience to interpret and understand. The research found for the CD digipak was feedback from the amazon site for those who have purchased the box set of the majority of Rihanna's CD albums which are included with the digipaks, this was good as this feedback showed the reviews to many of the CD's and not just one. Within this the reviews were of the three CD albums and artwork included, they were for the albums, "Music of the Sun, A Girl Like Me, and Good Girl Gone Bad". From the reviews it is clear to see that the albums are the progress and series of her life, as the first represents her life as a child, in Barbados, with the evidence of images and lyrics found in the CD. For the next album which Rihanna produces the album should be the next sequel of her life from now, this will help with the effectiveness engaged by the rest of her digipaks and the stories and background information which they include. All of the albums within this review was over a three year period, which showed the changes in each year found in every album. This is good information and research to have found as this will be used for the making of any new Rihanna CD digipaks in the future as it is easy to now see what is needed and wanted by the Rihanna fans and the overall public. The verbal qualitative reviews, shows that the verbal speech and the singing, was heard to understand and interpret, this shows that this song was difficult to understand, this was good research to have as for the future of a music video, it would be best to make sure that the words and the singing is clear to understand.
Primary Research:
This research is something which was very important to review and evaluate as this research is very modern and is set to answer your original questions you wish to find out, for this the information found for this was for all three products, the music video, the CD digipak and the album magazine advert, this information was made for the researchers in order to gather the right information to enable the making of a new batch of the three products, this information was very effective as now the questions have been answered at what they want to see in their products in the future from the artist Rihanna. Without this information and research being completed we would not have found the right information in order to make the products as we would not have known what was needed to be included. For this quantitative research we decided to perform and make a questionnaire. For the questionnaire we set out the most important ten questions which we wanted answers to in order to find out what the audience wanted to see in their own CD digipaks for the artist Rihanna, we got people to fill in this questionnaire in order to get answers in order to help us find out what the answers were to our questions. The answers were collected and put into a graph in order to help us visualise, evaluate and interpret the answers to the questions. We split the questions into three titled, CD digipaks, album magazine adverts and music videos, for each section we asked question about what we wanted to find out about each point. 23 individuals has completed this questionnaire meaning that we made sure that we gathered an appropriate amount of fair answers to the questions asked.
These were the answers for our CD digipak section of the questionnaire:
When evaluating the research and interpreting it, it is visual to see that the public want to see lyrics found in their future Rihanna digipaks, this information is very good to evaluate as an important piece of research as this is something which will be included in the future CD digipaks for Rihanna. 10 individuals had the same views and wanted to see this in their digipaks in the future and from now on.
For the themes of the future CD digipaks, the question which was asked to the public was backed up with two possible themes with the option to add and think of your own theme. The two themes included has a vast contrast with each other as both of these themes have been used by Rihanna in the past, meaning this was the time for the individuals to respond and choose their chosen favourite Rihanna theme. The audience like the bright and colourful theme for the next Rihanna digipak.
For the question of what the audience find the most interesting in their digipaks, the answer was that they liked to follow the lyrics in the digipak, this is because this is the most interactive and engaging approach for the audience and they can follow and have an understanding about the music.
For the conclusion of what the audience wants to see in their digipaks is that the CD digipaks should include the main feature of the lyrics as this is something the individuals like to views get they like to follow the lyrics as the songs are being played. the theme and colours of the digipak should be of a bright and colourful theme in order to make this more appealing and exciting to look at. These are very good answers for this evaluation and this research as now the answers have been answered of what they want to see in a future digipak.
These were the answers for our Album Magazine Advert section of the questionnaire:
When looking at the answers found for the questions asked for the magazine album advert, we asked what is the 'most important feature found on an advert', the answers which we gathered was the release date of the album, this is an important feature as people need to know when the album is out and able to be purchased, however the answer for the artist name was also close with only 3 votes and answers different. This is also something, which needs to be included in the advert to know whose album it is.
The most answered factor which is the most engaging was that, it helps the album to be sold to the public, this is good as the advert is proven to sell the product of the album to the public, this is why this sis seen as a very engaging factor, the close answer however with 7 points was that the album captures the relevent attention by the advertisement which is something which the advert is there for, this was a close call with the difference of only 2 points.
This answer was very clear to see which magazine was the most popular, this was seen as the 'OK' magazine, this answer was the most important as this magazine will illustrate that the advert has the ability to feature in the OK magazine in order to get the attention.
From this answer it is clear to see that not many people and individuals view and read magazines on a regular basis, meaning that the magazine album advert does not need to appear in every single issue, due to this answer is is clear to spot and evaluate that mostly the individuals read the magazine on a once a month basis, meaning that the advert could be put into the issue at the start of every month, or on an everyday basis after looking at the results.
As an overall conclusion the album magazine advert, should include mainly the release date of the real albums release, in order to engage in the overall attention of when the album is going to come out. The magazine advert should appear in mostly the OK magazines as this is a magazine which the majority of the individuals read and buy, this is a good magazine to be in as this has a good audience by looking at the results for the questionnaire.
These were the answers for our music video section of the questionnaire:
By evaluating the questionnaire response to this first question for the music video, it is clear to recognise that people watch music videos once every week, this is quite a regular patter to the individuals asked, meaning that the videos are viewed regularly in order to capture new, released music.
The majority of the answers for this question was the artist Rihanna, this is good as this was our original chosen preferred artist. The chosen artist was very regarded and popular in the world of music meaning this is not surprise why the majority of the answers were given to the artist Rihanna. Due to this answer we can use the individuals who chose Rihanna to help us with the further research which we will compose.
The genre is something which is very important to think about in a music video as this could have been confused with the theme. The genres which were most popular in this was the romantic theme and the funny humour answer. For this there was one point different, meaning that when the composition of the music video is done both of these genres could be mixed together in order to attract more viewer and positive responses due to the answers being so close.
The Three Types of Qualitative Research Evaluation:
This form of research was very important and effective to carry out as this support the different answers and research information for the CD digipak, music video and the album magazine advert, by using this form of researched helped us to gain the right responses, which we needed to gather in order to gain the right information. The first research which was carried out was the interview with one person, face to face, this interview was about the CD digipaks, with the added questions in order to gather in relevent information needed to know about them. In this interview there were eight questions asked I gathered the right questions for, the overall evaluation and conclusions to this will help within the making and production of a new Rihanna CD digipak, as now the gathered information of all sources and the interview has helped with this. The overall interview has been evaluated and has given the overall answers.
The Interview:
The artist artwork should be included within the CD digipak as illustrated in the interview this will make the CD more interesting and appealing to the viewer who purchases it, the artwork should be included in the CD digipak as this save the viewer from reading as they have their own visual response when they look at the artwork. The features within the digipak is very important to consider in order to make this a good product, therefore all of this information is very important to gather, the interview revealed that the digipak should include the feature like, lyrics, an insert, a track list and also the relevent social media links like a music video link to watch the music vide as well as follow the lyrics and music track, the posters are something which was a hit to the interviewer as this will give an overall extra feature for the individual to look at and have an accessory of the artist. The lyrics are important in the digipak but not seen as an essential feature, however this is something which is a good feature for the engagement, the images of the artist and in the digipak are something which you first see when looking into and at the digipak, this is something which is very intriguing, this will increase the overall purchase of the digipak. The credits in the digipak is something which is of not much important and of much attention, however this is worth being put in for the extra information which is includes. Rihanna will reflect her image and style onto the CD digipak as her style conveys the factors include, this could be of an R&B colour style and theme, the CD digipaks are not as useful and modern now however they are still main and are an important feature to a CD in todays day.
The Focus Group:
For this we captured the evidence on camera as this shows the real evidence and information which we found, within this focus group we asked a group of people who chose Rihanna as their most watched artist in the questionnaire to perform a focus group discussion with us. Within this we chose five females of the target audience age of 16-18 years of age to help us complete this. For this we showed them a 30 second clip of Rihanna's music video, "Diamonds", after they had watched this we wanted to gather the full thoughts and interpretation of this by asking them questions in order to find out what they like about this. The evaluation resulted in us finding out helpful information about the music videos and what should be put into a future music video by Rihanna.
This was the overall evaluation and conclusion of the music video focus group response. The engaging factors of this was that the music video, was the main split of the story of the video and the singing, this meant that there was a contrast of what was shown in the video. The colour was a good relevent response as they thought the colours represented the song and this was conveyed by the relevent use of the black and white effect. The capture of Rihanna in the middle of the shot was something which was also a hit to the relevance of this video, and the centre stage of Rihanna, all of the focus group like Rihanna as an artist with her theme and her overall image, and her music, their main factors of importance for her they said was her image, style, fashion sense and her music. In the future they wish to see, the same kind of style in her future videos as the same as her "Diamonds" as this is unique.
The Audience Panel:
For the audience panel, there was a gathering of 2 males and 2 females for have a discussion about the album advert in a magazine, having a mix of both male and females helped with this as we gathered a fair answer and discussions. For the conclusion of this we found out that with this, that the poster was seen as very engaging as they like Rihanna so they would defiantly buy the album due to the reflection of the advert poster, the colours were something that they liked due to the red in the font representing Rihanna as an artist as this colour represents her and her theme. The font was ver easy to read and interpret, making it easy to see what it says to grab the readers attention onto the page, the post in the poster shows off her significant post and style, the contrast of the colours of black and read go very well together as a whole. Overall this advert works as they would bye the CD after. This was good research as this indicates that the future adverts would include this style and layout in the future.
Audience Classification:
Due to looking at the audience classification it is clear to evaluate what and who the artist of Rihanna's products are of appeal to which is overall mainly females ages of, 13-25, all of the products are of interest the target market and audience of this age. By looking at the groups which the audience classification fits in, it concludes to be, of the psychographics table in the category of 'aspires' as this is a target market of young individuals, when also looking at the demographic table this form of target audience fits in group A, as this is for the young who have not gone into the world of work. This is a very important form of research as this shows the in depths of the real classification of who Rihanna's target market it and who her work is aimed for. By having this the products have the ability to be aimed at the right people at the right times, this saves the loss of popularity as the products are being aimed to those who have the real interest in this.
This is the same importance and the buyer profile as the buyer profile highlights everything which that one person wants and who they are, they are the typical and most appropriate candidate and target individual for this form of product and Rihanna's main target fan for all three products.
Competitor Analysis:
This was the comparison of the two competition artists for Rihanna, the two artists of most relevance was 'Beyonce and Ariana Grande' as their target audience was relevent yet also the styles and songs. However the overall conclusion shows that the most relavent competition was for Beyonce due to the most similarities within the music and her theme and style. The main point and objective for this form of research was to make sure that the competitor was the right a suitable one, due to this information gathered the answer was clear that Beyonce was the chosen, most suited competitor against the female artist Rihanna.
Textual Analysis:
Following onto this with the competitors textual analysis, this was a straight comparison both Rihanna and Beyonce's products, this was to outline the similarities and the differences between both of the artists by looking at their music video's, the CD digipaks and also the magazine adverts. By looking at this the similarities were clear to see as the digipaks have their own style with the positioning of the writing and the images and the information included, the advert also showed this due to the adverts including more or less the same information which advertised the album and the main CD.
The List of Resources:
This research was of much importance for the production and composition of all of the products as the prices of the making of each product was very important in order to understand how much it would be to finally make the real product. For this it meant that we had to research into the different parts of the production of all three of the products the music video, the CD digipak and the album magazine advert. Due to this research is was to an advantage as now we have the list of research, the price (cost) and the viability of each resources needed. This research was very good to carry out as this gave the knowledge and the relevant indication of what resources didn't to be added within the production of the three products for Rihanna.
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