Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Unit 51 - Magazines / Template

Magazine Template


  1. This double page spread looks good due to the layout as it is spacious and not over crowded. Also, The information is played out clearly in the columns, which shows a clean and clear spread. Also, the design is a good design because of the lengths and widths of the the columns and spaces used. This is a good design because how the layout is displayed neatly with the same lengths and widths. However, I do not think there is enough room as a picture takes up half of a page. Therefore, it is a good design but could do with more space for writing instead of a massive picture.

  2. Also, there is a lot of white space left over which is a waste of space, which could be used for Quotes, more information or a picture. Otherwise the article will have one big picture with a small amount of information. Therefore, you could add more pictures to give the white space life and not be left blank. Lastly, the article is looking good but there could be a few changes such as the white space could be filled up to make the article feel more vibrant towards the audience; because when an audience open a magazine they like to see a few pictures and not just writing. Therefore, two pictures would be better than one big picture leaving white space blank. This shows the columns are good sizing with the lengths and widths but the layout could do with some changes to make the article a more engaging double page spread.

  3. Evidence for Unit 51 Assignment 1 for Gabby Levene Edited template - P1 M1

  4. Also, the magazine meets the brief as it meets the design constraints due to the typical lifestyle magazine layout. But on the other hand the margin should be in place for editing to see how near everything is to the next page. However, the leftover white space could include quotes, puffs or sub headings to make the layout even clearer for the audience. The first page middle quote, could be more spaced out by making the columns narrower; as quotes stand out when they are not squashed between two columns. Therefore, the overall typography is good for the audience and the genre because it suits the lifestyle magazine type. However, minor things such as the quote being made bigger, these type of things need a bit of tidying up to have the best possible lifestyle magazine.
