Has this
been met?
of Material
This article/ interview is very good as it includes all the material appropriate for the people reading it, this magazine is targeted to women ages 16 - 55+, the genre of this magazine and the article is about lifestyle, the theme of this article is about a celebrity who is talking about her own recipe book and about her personal experiences. Women would want to read this article as it fits the criteria of a lifestyle subject, as it is going to be featured within a lifestyle magazine. The material of this article is relevant to this magazine. Women, when they are reading a lifestyle magazine they want to pick up tips and read about real life problems and situation. Due to this article about the recipes, this is a perfect example about what women want to know. Within this article it explains the different recipes in order to keep fit and healthy and to maintain a balanced lifestyle. the material in this article is very good for this type of magazine as just explained. Women will wan to pouches this in order to read about stories like Lucy's, this article really does represent something which could be found in a women lifestyle magazine, meaning this will be a success. This is defiantly something for the female gender to read. |
The targeted audience will be intrigued with this article as this will be very appealing t women as this article is about a female celebrity who is speaking about her personal food lifestyle and about her new book and life so far. Women would read this article in order to get more advice, women will want to know about Lucy Baker's new recipe book. For example this question was asked to Lucy in order to find out her personal response about her recipe book, "Q. What made you create a recipe book?
decided to create a recipe book because I notice that many people do not eat
healthy and clean when it is so easy to. It is not like you need lots of money
to eat healthy, you can buy fruit and veg to create a great meal, from a
supermarket or the local corner shop!" This question
Throughout this article every piece of information is relevant to the interview it itself. All of the questions and answers all help in order to explain why Lucy had decided to make her own recipe book and the reasons behind her decision. Within this article she also adds in personal information which makes the article more realistic and fits with the lifestyle criteria. The personal responses and comments help in order to make the article more interesting for the audience and the readers. For example she has added comments about her opinions and possibly plans for another recipe book theme. "Q.
If you had to choose between a Meat recipe book or Fish recipe book which one
would you choose?
am a fish eater! I love seafood so therefore I would make a fish recipe book! I
am into the king jumbo prawns - I am not into the lamb chops hahaha!"the article clearly states that this article is about lifestyle and this would be found within a females, lifestyle magazine. This article is very relevant to females who have an interested in icy herself or their interest in healthy eating and dietary facts, tips and lifestyles.
The article is very accurate as all the information is true and straight to the point as it is coming from someones personal life and personal opinions, this is good as it will provide true facts and lifestyle information in order for the reader to gain advice from Lucy herself. We know the information from this interview is true, as it is quoted facts from Lucy herself. the article is about Lucy's food meaning the article wold be about food in itself, this is correct as the article is speaking about the food processes in which she does the whole way through until the end. As this is a lifestyle magazine there is also an amount of lifestyle parts which need to be included within this article, this has been carried out meaning it have stated the stated the title and also has ill-starred the whole theme and the whole, relevance of this article with its style. |
article is very balance within the writing as the content is talking about
the positives and negatives within “Lucy’s” previous diet. This is good as we read about the true facts about food but also we hear about her more personal response about her diets in the passed and also about her lifestyle. People will want to read this as this is about someone living a normal life who is giving normal everyday advice to those who are reading the article. This article is balance with the amount of information in the article but also the lifestyle sense and the theme carried out through the whole article.