Friday, 31 March 2017

Unit 11 - Understanding the Print Based Media Industries - Assignment 1

Within this Prezi, it outlines the information about the publishing houses and companies in the way the businesses work and how they designed, this presents the information about the organisational structures of the businesses, the departments and also the job roles which are put together to create the final products of the newspapers and the magazine.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Unit 29 - Music Video Production - Assignment 3

The Music Video

Behind the Scenes

this location was where we filmed the clubbing scenes within the music video, this was where we captured the scenes with the colourful lighting. 
The locations of where the music video shots were taken:

This was the location of the outside shots, where the boy and girls were walking from the camera, this was a good central spot due to the good natural lighting on the day, as presented within this behind the scenes image. 

Behind the Scenes Video

These videos capture our influence of our speech in order to gain the perfect shot, these videos were behind the scenes whilst shooting. Within this, this shows both of us constructing and guiding the actors within the music video within each scene. This was good as due to the guidance, which increased the success of the final music video. By guiding our actors, it allowed the performance of our music video to be extremely successful and near-professional.

This music video was created by Olivia and Morgan, we each had our own individual roles within the making of this music video. This music video took three days to film, within three different locations and to gather all the footage. After the filming this took four days to edit the video. Both of us shared the role of gathering the equipment and the actors for the video. 



Day 1 -  (Brandon's House).

On this day, Morgan shot the music video, with control of the camera and the equipment used.
Olivia was looking at the storyboard ensuring the actors stuck to the plan, this helped them perform and the right footage. We both helped each other look after and pack the equipment away as this was the safest method. 

Days 2 - (Sensory Room).

On this day, we swapped the shifts around compared to the first day of shooting, Olivia was in charge of the camera and the shooting, whereas Morgan was there to monitor the actors and keep track of the story board and organisation. We both helped to pack away the equipment and clear up the area we were in. 

Day 3 - (Outside Location).

On this day Morgan filmed and took control of the camera equipment and shot the videos remaining. Olivia was there to supervise the actors within their positions, yet also their health and safety on the set of the location. As this was outside, we both took and shared the role of transporting the equipment to and from the location. 


Day 1 - 

As this was the first day we both were there to take turns when editing the music video, we put in both of our ideas and thoughts to make this look near professional as possible. We looked through all of ur footage to pick out the best scenes and put them onto FinalCut Pro, to form and create the music video. We looked through the effects and which were the most appropriate for each scene.

Day 2 -

On this day, Olivia was in control of editing the music video, focussing on the lip syncing to make this look professional. Yet also to place the scenes in the right order and places. 

Day 3 -

On this day, Morgan was there to add in effects and visual alterations to the scenes in order to make this look professional and to fit in with the convention of the R&B genre. 

Day 4- 

On the last day of editing, Olivia was there to take control of the final edition of our music video.She tidied the music video up in order to perfect this before it was published. This also was checked in order to see how conventional and technical the music video was. 

Audience Feedback

Due to many participants looking and watching our music video, the feedback for this was to a great advantage to us. Within our feedback which we had gathered, it showed that the lighting and the colouring of the video was presented nicely a way which attracted the right attention. The lighting shot within the club scenes were something which was a big hit, and had many good feedbacks to follow.